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Coronavirus measures

Protocol for Worship Services in the Maldron Hotel

We plan (d.v.) to re-commence worship services in the Tyrconnell Suite in the Maldron Hotel
from LORD’s Day 30th August 2020 at 11am. To minimise the risk associated with gathering
together Session has agreed the following protocol. We ask members and any visitors to read
this protocol carefully in advance of attending and seek to follow it as closely as possible.

Preparations for Coming to Worship

Visitors are very welcome to join with us. It would helpful if you texted or called
Graham on 07920186157 to let him know in advance so he can allocate a seat/seats
for you.
• No advance notification is required for regular worshippers. Regular worshippers who
plan to bring any visitors with you please let us know in advance. Similarly, if you are
a regular worshipper but do not plan to be present any LORD’s day please let us know
so we can re-allocate your seat.
• Please don’t come to church if you have any symptoms of Covid-19 ( High
temperature, new continuous cough or loss of taste or smell), or have had such
symptoms in the last 10 days, or if someone in your household or bubble has had in
the last 14 days.
• No refreshments or water will be provided. If required please bring your own water
bottle etc.
• Bibles and Psalm Books will not be provided so if possible bring your own copies. The
words of psalms and Bible passages will be projected on the screen.

Entry and exit to/from the Tyrconnell Suite

An elder will welcome you outside the Tyrconnell Suite but without handshakes or
other physical contact. You will be asked if you are content for us to keep a record of
your attendance. We will keep this information for 21 days and share it with NHS Test
and Trace if asked. If you do not want us to do this, you should tell us.
• Hand sanitiser will be available at the entrance to the Tyrconnell Suite and we
encourage everyone to use it on entry and exit from the room.
• Wearing of a face covering is not a legal requirement, however, since we have a
number of vulnerable people in our congregation, we strongly encourage all
worshippers to wear one while present in the hotel. Please bring your own face
covering though we will have an emergency supply at the door.
• The seating will be set out in advance to enable families/households to sit together
but socially distanced (at least 2 metres) from all others present. The maximum the
Tyrconnell suite can hold is 30 persons.
• Take care when entering the lobby area to steer clear of other hotel users. At the end
of the service worshippers should leave in their family groups taking care not to
compromise social distancing at this point.

Worship Service

Singing – it is planned to have a psalm at the beginning of the service. This will be
recorded in advance and played on a device. Worshippers will not sing this psalm
audibly but sing along in their hearts. During a closing psalm we may sing audibly but
quietly with face coverings in place. We will sit during any psalm singing.
• Anyone who develops symptoms of Covid 19 during a service should let someone
know and leave for home. There is no need to wait until the end of the service.
• There will be a retiring offering plate available near the exit. This is available for those
who wish to use it. Others may continue to give using on-line banking.
• We plan only to allow a short period after the service finishes for fellowship. Please
ensure that during this time you maintain a social distance of 2 metres.

Communion Services

The following precautions will be taken at those services where the LORD’s Supper is
• Continued use of individual cups and individual bread pieces. Bread will be well spread
out on the serving vessel to reduce the risk of cross contamination.
• Those preparing the elements will wear face coverings and gloves.
• Elders will wear face coverings and sanitise their hands directly before taking around
any plates or trays.
• The congregation will be encouraged to use hand sanitiser prior to the distribution of
the elements.
• Bread and wine will be covered until the time of distribution.

After the Service

You should let one of the elders know if anyone in your household or support bubbles
develops any symptoms of Covid-19 following the service.
• The service will be recorded and be made available on this website in the Sermons section.